King kratom Disclaimer and Directions :

DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT IF SEAL IS BROKEN. Do not use this product before: 1) reading this package leaflet in full; 2) visiting www.Kingkratom.com to read the full directions, disclaimers, and warnings associated with this product; and 3) agreeing to the Terms and Conditions there. Consult with a licensed healthcare provider before using this product to determine if this product is right for you and how to use it safely. You should also consult with a licensed healthcare provider about potential interactions or other possible complications before using this product. During this consultation, be sure to request advice on enzyme inhibition, specifically related to CYP enzymes. Do not use this product if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications. Do not use this product in combination with any medications including, without limitation, prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, antihistamine, recreational or other drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or any other substances, including any other Kratom products. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, antihistamine, recreational or other drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and any other substances, including any other Kratom products, you take or have taken. Inform your doctor of the alkaloid content labeled on this package and on any other Kratom product you may have taken in the past. All information presented here is not a substitute for, nor an alternative to, information you seek from licensed healthcare practitioners. Do not take more than 1 capsule or .5 grams of powder per 24-hour period. Do not take more than 5 days per month.
This product is made with kratom extract, NOT raw leaf. The mitragynine and other alkaloid content in this product are multiple times greater than that of raw kratom leaf, resulting in an increased potency with this extract product. Treat accordingly and proceed with enhanced caution. As with all kratom products, do not use them without first consulting your healthcare professional. Using Mitragyna Speciosa can be dangerous. As with all Kratom products, do not use this product without first consulting your licensed healthcare professional. There have been reports of adverse health effects associated with using Kratom products. Some publications have suggested Kratom may be associated with serious potential side effects including seizures, liver damage, withdrawal, addiction, abuse, and death. Please review all advisories and commentary from the website of the United States Food and Drug Administration for concerns about Kratom products.
Do not take any other Kratom product or any medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, antihistamine, recreational or other drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or any other substances within 24 hours before or after taking this product. Do not use this product or any other Kratom product on consecutive days. Mixing Mitragyna Speciosa extracts with medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, antihistamines, recreational or other drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or any other Kratom product (whether an extract or not), or any other substance may result in adverse drug interactions and can be highly dangerous. Do not use this product in combination with medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, antihistamine, recreational or other drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or any other substances, including other Kratom products. Do not use this product or any other Kratom product if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or while breastfeeding. Do not take this product if you have any blood disorder, liver or kidney disorder, high blood pressure, heart disease, central nervous system disorder, or any other medical condition. Do not use this product while operating motor vehicles or heavy machinery. Contact your healthcare provider immediately or seek emergency care if you experience any adverse effects. Neither this product nor any Kratom product, alone or in combination with other Kratom products, is intended for daily use.
This product is only for use as a botanical specimen. Neither this product nor these statements have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. This product has not been deemed fit for consumption in the United States. By using this product, you accept full responsibility for the use of the product, including but not limited to any adverse events or health complications that may arise from its use. Manufacturers assume no responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of this product. Not recommended for long-term use or multiple uses consecutively.
THIS PRODUCT IS NOT FOR SALE TO MINORS! 21+ ONLY. Keep out of reach of children. Do not alter packaging for retail sales. This package is to be sold “as is” and with no modification. By purchasing, receiving, and/or opening this package, you agree to pay a $50,000 fine per individual violation of the following terms and conditions: Contents are not for individual sale or resale; to be split, repackaged, or altered in any way; or to be used as an ingredient in any part of another product. For full legal notices go to www.Kingkratom.com.
Do NOT use this product if seal is broken, or if you reasonably believe that the product has been tampered with in any way.
By purchasing or using the Product, you agree to be bound by the full and up-to-date version of the Terms and Conditions found at www.Kingkratom.com. You agree that your purchase is for personal use only. The Terms and Conditions include: warnings and usage directions regarding this product; Limitations of liability applicable to King Kratom, its parents, and affiliates (“King Kratom”); King Kratom’s Return and Refund Policy; the applicable dispute resolution provisions, including your agreement to arbitrate disputes and waivers of class action suits and jury trials; opt-out procedures; and King Kratom’s rights to modify the Terms and Conditions.